A look into our day – Editorial Cartoon Analysis

Sometimes I am asked about some of the things we do in class. I love that question because I get to answer…Think…Critically.

Below is just an example of something we would analyze and discuss to kick off the class. We go way beyond just answering the questions. We look at the cartoons from many angles and have some great discussions. The students get to dive in and think critically, even strategically, and definitely pushes the envelope. It’s awesome to have so many perspectives contributing to the discussions. We all learn. Feel free to analyze and answer the questions yourself.

If you like doing them, click on the HERE and do some more. The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” is so true and takes on an entirely new meaning when we look at things critically and through multiple perspectives.





1.How does the mesthanksgiving_miltpriggeesage of the first cartoon contrast with that of the second cartoon?

2. What do you think about the two contrasting cartoons?






Check out the cartoons each Friday  and other great articles and news resources at Student News Daily.

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